Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Tell It!!
On 10/25/2015 PSR wrote in from United States  (65.96.nnn.nnn)

So, Damn if I know a frippin' thing about skateboardin'! I just DON'T. How do I know this?? 'Cause I've been posting here for a decade and-a-half, and meanwhile have tangled with the likes of OlSoN, Jason, Richy, Chris Y., Dan at Siesmic, Chris C., Hackett, Herbn, and, well, a LONG list of others that blow my mind, and warp the time continuim... I'm a near-novice with 25 years of skateboarding behind me, here, trying to help the youngin's out! So when Ryan Herkawitz(sp?) showed up at my doorstep, never having rode a Barfoot, nor a Fiberflex before, and asked for help with the local sk8park, I had to re-consider my ability to actually give advice. It wasn't pretty... But, I've built a few decent ramps, and snowparks (like the Okemo Pipe) in my day, so, I jumped onboard with the project. After all, when my Twins can come up from the backwoods of Alabama to the deep-woods of VT to see me, that park is where I'll likely take them, between skating hills, that is... What I re-discovered was this; I do own a few nuggets of skate-lore, and while no longer able to sk8 Hard, I can teach a few things here + there, even to a young scoundrel that airs my 36" Barfoot like it was a Bob-Burnquist Pro model prototype (hint Bob, Make a Longboard!!), and can pull misty 540's off of 8' quarterpipes with ease at Stowe's mini-park in the winter (sick footage, btw!). What to take from this; I asking ALL of the 'old schoolers' out there to reconsider this, please (and it doesn't have to be HERE..)and toss out Your notes, observations, and recollections of what skating was, is, will-be for the future generations to learn from!! I don't care If I'm the last dude posting here; whatever.. Just, please, bring your thoughts back to a forum (any forum; Mag, Rag, webspot, book-deal?) that reaches out, and forward to the next-gen, with Your ideas and feelings. And when you see Chaput, remind him he Still hasn't sent a set of No-Skools, and my twins aren't gettin' any younger!!

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skate Jam this Sunday HB!
On 12/6/2012 Richy Carrasco wrote in from (99.74.nnn.nnn)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/sk8kings/FREESTYLE%202012/120912JAM1000p.jpg https://www.facebook.com/events/435681926494058/
this Sunday Edison park in HB, Magnolia and Hamilton across from Edison HS, 12 noon come and skate with the Kings!

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Skateboard Shops Town Hall
On 1/1/2009 admin wrote in from (71.202.nnn.nnn)

Welcome to the Ncdsa.com Skateboard Shops Town Hall!By default, posts will be sorted with oldest first, newest last. If you would like posts to be sorted with newest first, please log in, enter the User Control Panel (link is near the top on the right), and on the left, click "Board Preferences", then on the next screen, click "Edit Display Options", also on the left. Then under the heading "Edit display options", change "Display post order direction" to Descending and click Submit.

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Ripped off by Flexdex
On 8/26/2008 Ripped off by Flexdex wrote in from Canada  (75.157.nnn.nnn)

Paid way too much for the board for all those slinters!!! for one. Then when I realized they over charged these guys kepted the money. These guys are a rip off. DON'T Trust Flex deck the board is too expensive and it's not for the bowl.

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How do i ollie i use my left foot foward at the nose.and i pop wit my right foot an try an slide my left foot up the board
On 7/9/2008 jamalfaison wrote in from United States  (69.114.nnn.nnn)

please i need help to ollie i skate reg.or goof dont really know.put i skate wit my back facing left u know left foot at the nose.i would appriciate any help i can get.please post help.u can reach me on my space.my name is Jmalls.u can type in my email.

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Flex isgood....
On 6/30/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Alex, Yes, most cambered decks are intended to flex. You can find 'stiff' longboards, certainly, but they usually are not as much fun as 'flexy' deck for carving. Stiffer decks will deal with pools, ramps, or; deal with seriously high speeds better than a pumpable, flexy, cambered longboard. So, don't freak on the 'flex' too much, but do pay attention to the amount of flex in that board. Don't go for no-comply's or heelflips on that board until you KNOW it'll hang together thru the attempt. I've seen good streetskaters get 'bounced' by the deck's flex in abruptly attempted moves like that. Longboards are (mostly, but not always) meant for soulful cruising and mellower tricks. Also keep in mind that Big wheels, and fat trucks make for slower rotational moves, so, a kickflip is indeed a tough move on a 40" board, tougher if it's got the wheels + trucks set-up for carving instead of streetskating-styled moves. Different decks will work differently, as constuction materials are more pregressive in longboards (looking for that "perfect" flex!) than in shortboards. Wheelbase also affects this greatly. Want a stiffer flex? Shorten the wheelbase by 1/2", it'll stiffen up a bit. BTW, back in the day (mid-late 70"s), we actually looked for boards that flexed (even at 28" long) to better 'pump' thru snakeruns, or cruise effortlessly down the street, or control our speed on long descents. So, Longboards have their design roots going back to those days when 'one board' was your ride in around town, down whatever the 'big hiil' was nearby, and the deck you took to the park. I hope you take the time to figure out just where you 'longboard' can take You!

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Bending Board
On 6/30/2008 nate wrote in from United States  (71.202.nnn.nnn)

The board has a thing called flex, most boards have it, some more than others.

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longboard are they supose to bend
On 6/30/2008 alex wrote in from United States  (76.235.nnn.nnn)

well i just got a sector 9 longboard bamboo and i was wondering is it suppose to bend when i ride it?????

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Hey BAM remember Bullet??
On 9/30/2007 Bullet wrote in from United States  (71.116.nnn.nnn)

Hey Bam Margara, remember Bullet Head from Bad Ass Clothing Co. your movie premier in West Chester.. Bullet..

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just learnin'
On 8/9/2007 Pre-School Rider wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Ciera, even though you're on a K-mart Special, and not a higher-quality board or Longboard, I'd advise you to look this site over:


Click on the 'skate' tips for classic moves that work on basic skills in skateboarding. Keep in mind that 'streetstyle' or 'Ramp' riding like you might've seen in such venues as the X-games isn't covered, as that's more 'new school'. Slalom and downhill are other aspects of this sport. Skateboarding has a rich, deep history that many of today's skaters are quite ignorant of, but most importantly, it Dosen't Have Rules (well, contests excepted, or the 'points' would be like those from "Who's Line Is It,Anyway?"). So, there's not really any 'right' or 'wrong' way to go about skating. Do what you feel you can do, let the critics rant about a Talent Show on T.V... Keep an open mind, watch others skate, learn, improvise, but do it on your terms. The only thing I'm going to advocate is wear some safety gear when pushing your limits, and get a better board, once you kinda know what style of skateboarding you're into.

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Just learned to skate
On 8/9/2007 Ciera wrote in from United States  (75.70.nnn.nnn)

I started skating like 2 days ago and i am skating on a walmart board so its crap. I dont know wich way i should skate i have heard 12 different things. I know i am a regular skater but my problem is do i kick with my back or my front foot. And can you turn when you are kicking. Much apreciated. (I dont downhill skate.)

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RE: Wanna Luge
On 8/8/2007 Racer X wrote in from United States  (64.115.nnn.nnn)

Incase anyone is wondering, I was never in touch with Bam, nor do I know this is really him. I was invited to St Louis where he was going to be...but whatever. I aint going 8 hrs away for that, when I live 45 minutes away from him in West Chester.
Come on Bam (if it's you), ride with me, I promise you wont be dissapointed and I can come to you...

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Wanna luge
On 5/25/2007 RacerX wrote in from United States  (64.115.nnn.nnn)

Very good, Bam, email me so I know it's you, I'm in Bensalem PA (the other side of Philly. I'll figure a way to get a hold of you on any weekend we could do this....Find a hill too. I google earthed W Chester and it's got potential, see ya soon

p.s. I have been doing this for years, and know alot of big names in the business, I'll never tell

Heres my site in the meantime, checkout what your getting into


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holly s#@!!!!
On 5/25/2007 Ricky tidwell wrote in from (96.4.nnn.nnn)

hey to all you big fans of bam who are writting him right now well me and him are watching jonny knoxville and stevo oh here comes lil man they are playing hide and seek with taser guns. Oh good hit jonny!!
I have to get in this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 5/25/2007 Gaurd wrote in from (96.4.nnn.nnn)

this is Bams gaurd or anything youd like to call me maybe even his publicity guy any way you are a normal guy so dont tell tanyone abuot this site and who's on it!!!!!Like Bam People would be crowding the site so keep cool!

@$& see you man!

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hey congradulations!
On 5/25/2007 Chris Seiber wrote in from (96.4.nnn.nnn)

hey this is chris Seiber, bam just told me you wrote in hey cant wait to met ya!

Catch ya on the flip side!!!!

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hey racerx?
On 5/25/2007 Viva La Bamma Margera wrote in from (96.4.nnn.nnn)

sure thing Im with that chris seiber dude right now hes from tennessee hes a pretty cool skater and all. But hell ye I geuss i could use another jackass,LOL where you live? never mind just come down if you live so close and if they wont let you in tell them about this message, Hell just print it off and show them!
You better be a good skater and dont cry to your mom when you get hurt or anything so ye come down with chris probally
June 2-3 (thats when tony goes on that little six flags thing, anywhay it's at st. louis, MO and we will probally just wreck the whole thing! see ya then im about to start recording.

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Hey Bam, wanna streetluge?
On 5/21/2007 RacerX wrote in from United States  (64.115.nnn.nnn)

Hey if this is you Bam, wanna streetluge? I live close to you so I can meet you somewhere? Of course we'll have to prove it's you...but either way, we can mess around on them....

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Dang again
On 4/20/2007 Ricky Tidwell wrote in from United States  (66.5.nnn.nnn)

Holy cow BAMMARGERA wow your my greatist fan dude chris your lucky

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On 4/20/2007 Bam Margera wrote in from United States  (66.5.nnn.nnn)

Dang dude thats rad. If you did do that we need to meet some time, my wife is mean so I probally want be able to see you expecially whith my tours and s#@!!

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On 4/20/2007 Christopher Joseph Seiber wrote in from United States  (208.183.nnn.nnn)

Thats not really my e-mail address so dont send mail! But any way i just did a 720 forward indy off a memorail in Crokett county where i use to live it was amazing b/c I did it then as I was landing a kept spining while on the board when it was on the ground like it was doing a revert, i got back into my stance and nose stalled on a 7 stair just to make it look like a proffessional. (I wish). B/c everyone tells me I'm just like the guy's off "Jackass" or "VivaLaBam" or something, which is pretty cool and all but the publicity wont die down either I am about to go to the Afterburn in Jackson to skate on 4:20 (Today) see ya!

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Noises on Krown
On 4/18/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Jarret, look carefully at these things;

Truck kingkins and washers:
If the washers under/over the bushings are loose, they'll 'jingle', usually tho when just straight-lining it. Tighten both kingpins(9/16" wrench) a tad, see if it quiets down.
If it's the Kingpin that's loose, check how those are fitted in the baseplate. DO NOT ride IF the Kingpin 'slops' side-to-side!!(that'd be time for a new baseplate!)

Check axle nut tightness (1/2" socket wrench), be sure that the wheels don't slop laterally along the axle, but also aren't 'pinched' from overtightened axle nuts.
Look at the axle washers, too. They can bend,and start to impinge on the bearing shields (ringing noise and slow spin result).
Look at Each Bearing for dents on shields, loose sheilds, and spin each (pinched between thumb+finger) to 'feel' how smooth the turn. Rough-spinning bearings need cleaning or replacement, ones with dented shields need to be cleaned, sheild that's dented removed, and maybe then re-installed with the the good shield facing out, although replacing these is probably the wiser choice.

One other thing may be the wheels have out-of-round cores, which would cause otherwise good bearings to be spinning against the washers/nuts/hanger. Look for marks on the axles, dings on the bearing, and definately check how the bearings seat in each wheel. Cored wheels should show scuffs on the inside of the core, but only for part of an arc, if this is happening. If a wheel shows out-of-round wear, either in the core, or along the rolling surface, replace it.

Lastly, check your mounting hardware for tightness. Trucks mounted loosely are very bad for your safety, but also can generate odd noises. Rubber shock-pads between the truck and deck can help a good deal, but check that hardware! Replace bent or stripped bolts and stripped or easy-turning nuts.

Think of it as pennies-on-the-dollar to do maintainence checks like this, as the resulting medical bills from blowing a bearing, loosing a truck, or snapping a kingpin at speed are helacious. The parts, they're cheap by comparison.

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On 4/16/2007 Jarrett wrote in from United States  (64.53.nnn.nnn)

Hey i just bought a krown a few weeks ago and i have two problems with it. One is that the wheels barely spin when i use them with my hand, which i think is why i can't coast as long as my friends. And the other is a rattling high pitch sound that i get when i begin to tilt on my board when i start to carve.
Please help this noob out.

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Found the perfect left-hander!!!
On 4/1/2007 him wrote in from United States  (68.193.nnn.nnn)

Today I finally found that left-hander! Over at this one hill I had known about but never really done with intensity in mind, I realized that it went farther up then I thought it did, basiclly the distance I realized it had was enough to get to about twenty before the tight left-hander. So proud of my self for realizing this I dont think that something could easily ruin this high!

The street name is Grotke Ave. ( it might actually be a drive) Its around the area of pearl river NY. Yeah I think only herbn know what exactly I'm talking about.

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On 3/31/2007 him wrote in from United States  (68.193.nnn.nnn)

Very true! The new Hellcat is a BEAST. The wheel wells they added to the ends look amazing... I that that back (the wheel wells part I'm not sure about) are they called wheel wells or cut-outs? Oh, I've been over forty before. my top speed is 55mph on the fastest hill I can get my parents to drive me to. I think I could go faster on it, I have been working on my tuck alot and think I've got that all hammered out so right now I'm saving up for an ICARO 4Flight LT; yeah I think they run about $320-$350, still saving the pennies for that one.

Thinking of heading up to munnsville this summer. Its in NY you could read about it in the GSI thread, Its a pretty cool course its got a shallow start the a slight right hander down to a steeper staight away (kinda short straight) into a big left hander (unfortionatly this is the one turn that I can't find a copy of on any practice hills) after that there is a big straight away (not to steepbut speedboarders can get up in the fifties) after that is a hard right hander (hard because of the heavy breaking to decelerate from fifty miles per hour) then theres a left hander (not to bad I don't think there were lots of past crashs on it) then the finish. Its a pretty cool race, in the past american legion has offered free breakfast for the racers and let us use their parking lot and backyard for camping. very familly oriented event, tries to get new riders to start racing.

PS- does anyone know where Chaput went? Haha!

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