Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Freestyle (1664 Posts)
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On 10/9/2001 Lynn Cooper wrote in from (63.36.nnn.nnn)

EG - I sent you an Email about Rodney Mullen footage that I videotaped through the years.

Claude - Thanks for the cool comments! I was at the Expo86 contest as well. I remember that just prior to the contest I got 2nd place at the Oceanside NSA Championships and they wouldn't let me skate at the Expo contest, because they had already picked out skaters from every region of the US. I was really bummed that I was allowed to compete. However, I still had an awesome time watching and skating with everyone else.

I'll never forget the standing ovation Rodney received after his winning routine. The arena was packed with spectators and they wouldn't stop applauding. Rodney came back out and they kept yelling and applauding for minutes. I never saw anything like it. Rodney went into emotional overload at that point. It was one of the biggest contest highlights in Freestyle history!

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On 10/7/2001 Claude wrote in from (24.112.nnn.nnn)

Hi Lynn glad your on the site. Pierre-andre is great slalom rider i would love to see him at La Costa. I met him at Expo 86' where hi placed 3rd in the pro Slalom and Freestyle events, a super guy and competitor.

Your right about kevin. he is simply one the most graceful skaters ever.

Chris - the video from radical moves of rodneys freestyle rootine where he scored a perfect 100 would be nice to use if approved. That certainly was one of the hilghts before the demise.

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On 10/6/2001 Lynn Cooper wrote in from (63.36.nnn.nnn)

I know what you mean. It's difficult to keep in touch with Pierre' these days. He's so busy with his business. Call him at Sole Technologies and personally invite him to the La Costa event. If you can't get Pierre' ask for Don Brown and he may be able to pass your message along. They often go to skate events. Next time I talk to him, I'll pass on your request as well.

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On 10/6/2001 Lynn Cooper wrote in from (63.36.nnn.nnn)

I have some Freestyle footage for you. I put together a video featuring highlights of Pro contests from the 80's. I have included several Pro Freestyle routines from a couple of the major contests (includes Rodney, Pierre, Per, Kevin, Primo...). The video is called "Wheelin' in the Years - Part 1". Part 2 is in the works with even more Freestyle footage. Email me, or go to my www.skatelegends.com website, if you are interested.

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On 10/5/2001 Chris wrote in from (128.171.nnn.nnn)

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any links to video clips of freestyle contests or just video clips of freestyle skating. Also if there are any websites which have videos of tricks and how to do them.

I've been trying some oldschoold tricks on my Alva 36" and I wanna see what else I can do. Thanks for the help ya old geezers : ) j/k

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On 10/5/2001 Lynn Cooper wrote in from (63.36.nnn.nnn)

I don't spend a lot of time on this site, but I'd like to respond to some of your comments. Please keep in mind that I have been Freestyling since 1981 and have been skating for over 26 years. I competed in almost every CASL and NSA Freestyle contest in the 80's and earned 2nd place in the NSA Championships twice. I have to agree with some of Chris Chaput's comments regarding rolling, flowing routines outside of the box. When I competed heavily, most of the skaters were clearly focused on the "technical" side of Freestyle. I can land many technical tricks, but that had nothing to do with my strategy or satisfaction in Freestyle competitions. One of my biggest influences and long-time friend is Kevin Harris. The first time I saw Kevin skate was at the Paramount Freestyle contest, in the early 80's. Kevin had an awesome flowing style, unlike most of the other skaters. His spins and long flowing routines really influenced me to expand my skating into the Freestyle arena. When I skate(then and now)nothing is more fun than performing long one-wheel manuals, two-board daffy variations, practicing footwork and choreographing it all to music. I get such a rush everytime I skate. Yes I can land railflips, triple-flips, 540 shove-its consistently, but who cares? When someone comes up to me after I skate and says "you skate so smooth, or you make it look so easy", that makes my day! I've been skating a slightly smaller street board with a double-kicktail for almost ten years now. I can pickup anyone's board and do a routine. To me, Freestyle encompasses basic core components such as movement, speed, flowing, consistency... Technical tricks are a bonus. They add to any routine, but they shouldn't BE the routine. Freestyle has also helped me with all other forms of skateboarding: Pool/Ramp riding, slalom...

Okay, other subject: I used to skate a lot of slalom with Russ Howell and Pierre' Andre. They were both extremely fast in the 80's and I'd be willing to bet that if they got back into it, they would still rip today! Pierre' used to be one of the top European Slalom Pros before he moved to California in 1986.

Take Care!

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On 10/5/2001 Claude wrote in from (24.112.nnn.nnn)

If I can't stand after the GS i'll. have to do it on my hands. How many points for multiple boards Chris?

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On 10/5/2001 Chris S wrote in from (208.164.nnn.nnn)

Alright, I've been avoiding ncdsa like the plague for the last few months. I haven't had any time to skate, and the only thing worse I can think of would be to spend my free time reading posts from all of my friends about how much fun they had skating. So what I've been doing is stoping by once every week or two and reading a handful of posts on whatever forums strike my fancy at the moment.

Anyway, I saw that Henry's Contest included Slope Style. The way I see this is that slope style is basically freestyle on a hill. So who all is up for this slope style event? I know Chaput is, and looking at the list, I'd guess Brad Edwards, Cliff Coleman, Dan Gesmer, Todcar, and Carrasco are as well. So what's up with this thing?

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On 10/4/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Cliff Coleman and Pierre Andre were huge oversights, especially considering that we skated the SSS and/or WLAC last month. My post with regard to "Freestylers who Slalom" is merely mentioning that fact that there are guys (including myself) who were never known as slalom racers back in the day who are doing slalom now.

I don't see many guys who are known for their slalom, park or pool riding who have jumped on the freestyle bandwagon. A few downhillers are trying slalom now (Smouse, Sherlock, Dansie, Mallard) but the trend is for guys who were known for other disciplines now do slalom.

I think that freestylers love to compete and to be around other skaters but they also enjoy being in a form of competition where there is no subjective judging. It's kind of nice to finish a "performance" and to see what the clock says instead of what the judges say.

Back in the day, everyone tended to enter all events at a competition. Freestyle, slalom, high jump, barrel jump, 360 comp, etc. In our spare time we hit the pools and parks. As time went on, we got more specialized. Today, the freestylers seem to be holding their own in racing.

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On 10/3/2001 Claude wrote in from (24.112.nnn.nnn)

Gary your right, skating is skating. I have freestyled and slaomed since day 1. I did my 1rst petition in Cornwall, Ontatio, Canada in 1976. I now only an hour away in Ottawa and we have several not so great parks (minimum $$$ spent) I hardly ever skate them but felt it necessary to keep kids off the street. So my dedication has been for the growth of the sport.

I still struggle for Slalom spots but freestyle spots are all over.

Skating os Skating, for the love of the Game (a bit of Hockey)

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On 10/3/2001 Gary Holl wrote in from (17.255.nnn.nnn)

Chris C.
I have freestyled for so long.....skateboarding since 1975-76.....I just started slalom 3 months ago....
I think of myself as a Skateboarder, I love skating I don't care if it's in a pool, on a ramp, in the street, freestyle, slalom....

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On 10/2/2001 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

I entered a freestyle contest in '75 or '76 at some place up in Topanga Canyon. That was the only contest I ever entered. My big tricks were, 360's, 540's, a nose wheelie that went for nearly 3' and I could bunnyhop over a skateboard (grab each end of the board and hop).

It was pathetic.

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On 10/1/2001 Adam wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)


I used to think that, until I mated a stiff Comet slalom deck with Seismics and N-Gens. My board floooowwwwwwss!

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On 10/1/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Freestylers who Slalom:

Russ Howell
Richy Carrasco
Chris Chaput
Lynn Cooper
Dan Gesmer
Claude Regnier
Chris Sturhann... ...Who's next?

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On 10/1/2001 Claude wrote in from (24.112.nnn.nnn)

Freestylin on a street board is certainally easier for most tricks then on a smaller freestyle board. I switched in 03 when Freestyle boards were almost imposible to get and street boards were plentiful.

I had my shop and used slicks to this day. I found that with my limited abilities(bad knee's) the longer board surface helped me a little. Since I am not able to spend countless hours learning new stuff it just mekes it easier to do the tricks I've always enjoyed.

Adam I've just noticed this site and started reading the previous posts. I have been on the Freestyle site since approximately the same time I posted here. Since Slaom is my favourite I've spent more time here. Now I can get the best of both worlds and still spend some time supporting Lillis' site and the sport without worry.

TN Handstand are great there's a variety of them that you just can't imagine until you've tried them. Because on my bad knee's they have been my saviour in the sport so just let people do what they enjoy and you do what you enjoy. If the last trick I ever do on a skateboard is a Handstand it will be because of my friend and Idol (when I was young) Russ Howell, He rocks and has always encourages us to ROLL>

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On 10/1/2001 TN re: Chaput wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)

Point taken. Somewhere the flow and fluidity of rolling got lost on post 70's freestyle. I just felt this forum was completely neglecting some significant developments in freestyle in the 80's. In terms of combining the best of both the 70's/80's, that I'd like to see. Also, freestyle on a longer deck would be interesting. After my Rocco was stolen, I began to try routines on an 80's pool deck and the larger deck definitely gave moves/manuevers a whole different flow. Perhaps a long, newschool deck could be the answer.

Anycase, I hope interest can generate enough critical mass to get the flatland FS going again. I'd just be curious after lying dormant for so long what new styles/tricks emerge.

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On 10/1/2001 Bob wrote in from (192.73.nnn.nnn)

A few other random thoughts on freestyle...

I've owned a lot of specialized FS boards over the years, and I've like most of 'em. However, in the back of my mind, I always had the feeling that it would be better if I had a board I could do everything on. Of course, for most of that time, a "normal" board was 10" wide -- not exactly great for FS. Still, the fact that a dedicated FS board was not much fun to ride down the street felt sort of limiting. I always sort of felt if you were a good skateboarder, you should be able to jump on your board and go have a good time rolling down the street, doing some tricks or carving, and have a board that felt good for everything.

If you look at Chris's old "chapstick" boards, you can see that at the time they were really versatile decks. Nice, wide, blunt nose -- good for footwork. You could skate FS or a pool on them, or just go street skating.
Same with the good ol' Fibreflex Teamrider -- what a great board!!

Recently, I decided to do FS on a normal, modern street board. I still have some killer FS decks, but I decided I want to be able to skate like we used to -- on a versatile board. It took some getting used to, but I've finally gotten there. Its so cool to be able to snap an ollie off a curb, hit a bank with a rock'n'roll, do a nice fast drop-knee turn, and then throw down a fingerflip.

So for all the crap I constantly talk about newschoolers (maybe not on my site, but around friends), I have to say that a newschool street board is a really great vehicle for "re-unifying" some parts of skating that have been fragmented for a long time. Just make sure your wheels are big enough that they actually roll.


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On 10/1/2001 Bob Loftin wrote in from (192.73.nnn.nnn)

I think it is simply impossible to ride a shortboard with the same flow and style as is possible on a longboard. I know there are/have been a lot of great, stylish shortboard riders, but longboarding is the true source of flow. No doubt about it.

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On 10/1/2001 Grumpy Ol Bastard wrote in from (208.131.nnn.nnn)

Once again Chris hits the nail on the head. I started skating in '77, rode daily until '91 or so. Thinking I should be a grown up, I quit. Mistake. Bad idea. Flash forward 9 years. Skating was popular again, though not my reason for starting back or quiting, it was everywhere. Something happened to it though, it seemed to have been reborn without a soul, and all it's fluid was drained. I happened to see a piece on Longboarding on some EXTREME (ack!) T.V. show, I smiled, there was the style, soul, and fluidity shortboarding had seemed to have lost. At 36 I am hooked again. Longboarding, in all it's variations, is to me what skating used to be. I totally respect and am in awe of all the work and technical wizardry that goes into todays skating. I have a much deeper love for what the people who laid the foundations of skating achieved.

Sorry to be somewhat off topic.

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On 9/30/2001 Bob Staton wrote in from (4.41.nnn.nnn)

Greetings once again!
In order to form a more perfect union....I have cooked
up yet another Hall Of Fame pie for you guy's to take a
bite out of.....I now offer up selections from various eras
as suggested by some of you.

The Pioneer Era...(the 50's)
J. O'Mahoney....experimental and inventive steel wheel
skateboarder who made skateboard objects as early
as 1952. Signal Hill race promoter. Publisher of a
major skateboarding magazine for several years. Skates almost everyday.

Jim "Fitz" Fitzpartick...started skateboarding in Pacific Beach in 1957...has never stoped, is the man behind changing the dynamics of laws and insurance issues
that have allowed skate parks to flourish. CEO of the
Skateboard Manufacturers Association.

The Team Era...(the 60's +or-)
Makaha Team and manager, owner.
Hobie Teams, north and south, including managers.
Zepher Team and manager

The Golden Era....(the 70's)
Russ Howell
Ed Nadelin
Steve Cathy
Steve Day
Ellen O'Neal
Stacy Peralta
Ty Page
Doug Saladino
Chris Chaput
Skitch Hitchcock
Desiree Von Essen
Bob Mhor
Paul Hoffman

The International Era (the 80's)
Rodney Mullen USA
Per Welinder Sweden
Don Brown England
Pierre Andre France
YoYo Schulz Germany
Frank Messman Norway
Kevin Harris Canada
(current World Champion, tie)

Other posible catagories:

Curt Lingrend Kick flip
Bobby "Casper" Boyden Casper disaster
Tara Kaylor Kaylor walk/smoothie

Lifetime Achievement:
Stefan "Lillis" Akesson
The man that keep the hope alive through the dark decade with the INFFS, International Network of Flatland Freestyle Skateboarding. Founder of the F Magazine site and the increasingly popular Forum.
A freestyler for over 20 years, winning more events than any other Pro since 1987, World Champion 2000 (tie), undefeated 2001. has appeared on numerous TV shows and at other events over the years doing demo's and promoting and putting on contests. A founder of WFSA and the key figure in the resurgence of the new freestyle era.

Special Achievement:
Primo and Diane
More people have seen freestyle through Primo and
Diane's 10 year run at Sea World, preforming for thousands of spectators daily, than by all other live venues combined.

Dale Smith
Very entertaining Pro skater and personality. Mentor and teacher, very important freestyle historian and promoter of good times through his vast connections to the skateboard industry and media. Still going strong

Famous Freestyle Families:
The Flying Carrasco Brothers

The Bardens (if not already nominated on a team)

Logan Earth Ski
Van's Shoes
Tracker Half Traks
Indy 99's, 101"s

Skater Dater

That should give you guy's something to chew on for a while...later Bob

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On 9/30/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

TN, I respectfully disagree with you about when freestyle was happening. Although I have a tremendous amout of respect for riders who have the level of skill that it takes to pull off the extremely difficult technical tricks that dominated the scene in the eighties, I don't like the direction that freestyle took. When an entire routine can be performed in an area the size of a boxing ring, something is lost. What is lost is fluidity, style, speed, dynamics, power, connectivity and the use of wide open space. It lacks soul. Everthing looks consistently contained and controlled. It doesn't look fun. It looks difficult, but squint your eyes a little bit and it's hard to distinguish one trick from another. There is a lot time spent just setting up for tricks. The guy isn't skating, he is just making the board do tricks. Roll over. Jump. Flip. Good boy. Crank up some bad asynchronous music. Stay inside the box.

It's true that I'm a freestyler from the seventies and that I've never had to ollie to win anything. I value headstands and handstands and all of their variations. I think that they look stylish and professionals to humans of all ages. They have kind of a universal appeal. Carves, slides, fast wheelies and boarding-walking stylishly displayed our roots in surfing and were only made possible by boards that had wheels that rolled on trucks that turned. Todays boards are designed and tightened to flip, not to ride. I see a trick then nothing, a trick then nothing, etc. Everyone wears the standard uniform, a colorless t-shirt and neutral baggy pants. Stay inside the box.

If someone were to combine the "best of the seventies" with the "best of the eighties" in one routine, he would have the best of both worlds. I don't see very many kids today performing anything "old". They just do what everyone else is doing. It appears that creativity and innovation has been reduced to just adding another twist and/or revolution and putting a new name on an existing flip trick. Tricks are for kids. Freestyle is bigger than that.

Things will soon come full circle and in order to show me something new, you'll probably have to show me something old. If you do something old, everyone will think it's new. Think outside of the box.

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On 9/30/2001 Henry Hester wrote in from (209.216.nnn.nnn)

See the contest calender for the La Costa Open. It has a SlopeStyle event.

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On 9/30/2001 Henry Hester wrote in from (209.216.nnn.nnn)

See the contest calender for the . It has a SlopeStyle event.

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On 9/30/2001 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)


You wanted to know who Squeak was. His name is Brad Blank. There is a photo of him with Bruce Logan leaving for demos in Oregon in the Bruce Logan interview, Skateboarder Magazine, April, 1977.


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On 9/30/2001 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)


I went back through some old issues of Skateboarder. May, 1980, nostalgia artical. John Milius, "Jack Barth and I showed the kickturn to Torger and the Hiltons".

More contest information, long post!

The Bahne/Cadillac National Skateboard Championships, 1975.

Women's Freestyle:

1. Peggy Oki-Zephyr.
2. Robin Logan-Logan Earth Ski.
3. michele Brunot-Independent competitor, no team.

Junior Men's Freestyle:

1. Steve Piccoilo-Lateral Visions.
2. Ty Page-Unity Surf Skate.
3. Jay Adams-Zephyr.
4. Tony Alva-Zephyr.

Senior Men's Freestyle:

1. Russ Howell-Hobie.
2. Skitch Hitchcock-Hobie.
3. Bob Mohr-Independent, no team.
4. Bruce Logan-Logan Earth Ski.

The First Annual San Buenaventura Skateboard Contest, 1975.

Girl's Hotdog:

1. Desiree Von Essen.
2. Mary Ann Messinmyer.
3. Susanne Schmidt.
4. Denise Kimball.

Men's Hotdog:

1. Tom Sims.
2. Richard Vanderwick.
3. Jamie Santana.
4. Dale Skol.
5. Gary Colkot.

First Annual Torrey Pines skateboard contest, April 26th, 1975.


1. Bruce Logan.
2. Tom Sims.
3. Richard Boyden.

Huntington Beach City Festival Contest, 1975.


Pee Wee Division:

1. Ron Quigly.
2. Matt Smith.

Boy's Division:

1. Steve Monahan.
2. Paul Constantineau.
3. Jay Adams.

Junior's Division:

1. Bob Neishi.
2. Fred Flavell.
3. (tie) Stacy Peralta.
Wentzel Ruml.

Men's Division:

1. Russ Howell.
2. John Denny.
3. (tie) Chris Cahill.
Tom Waller.

Girl's Division:

1. Starla Stewart.
2. Daisy Apodaca.

Women's Division:

1. Patti Monahan.
2. Janet Larruea.

Freestyle Contest, Orange County Fairgrounds, July 16th, 1975.

Men, 18 and over:

1. Chris Dawson-Zephyr.
2. Tom Waller-Zephyr.

Women, 17 and over:

1. Linda Meagher.

Boy's, 14 to 17:

1. Stacy Peralta-Zephyr.
2. Wentzel Ruml-Zephyr.
3. Bob Beniak.
4. Mark Ditmer-Rincon.
5. Nigel Kent.
6. kevin Bradshaw.
7. Doug Waltman.
8. Mark Kringer.

Girl's, 10 to 16:

1. Francine Hill.
2. Shanon Stewart.

Boy's, 9 to 13:

1. Anthony Gatti.
2. Paul Cullen.
3. Donald Oldham.
4. Randy Riola.
5. Tom Brookens.
6. Ho Yum-Zephyr.
7. Shawn Wise.
8. Jon Schorle.

Oceanside Contest, 1975.


Boy's, 12 and under:

1. Bobby Boyden.
2. Randall Godinet.
3. Matt Primo.

Boy's, 13 to 15:

1. Jerry La Karnafeaux.
2. Eddy Katz.
3. Jim Weldon.

Boy's, 16 and over:

1. Richard Boyden.
2. Matt Weldon.
3. Bryan Throckmorton.

First Annual Southern California Skateboard Contest, 1975.


Women's, 17 and over:

1. Andrea Malczewski-Unity Team.
2. Debi Eldridge-Unity Team.
3. Desiree Von Essen-Skateboard Magazine.
4. Robin Alaway-Skateboard Magazine.

Men's, 18 and over:

1. Russ Howell-Skateboard Magazine/GT.
2. Bob Mohr-Bahne/Cadillac.
3. Tom Sims-Skateboarder Magazine.
4. Bruce Logan-Makaha-Logan earth Ski.

Women's, 10 to 16:

1. Kathy Bomeisler-Makaha/Logan Earth Ski.
2. Mary Zerkie-Unity Team.
3. Francine Hill-Independent, no team.

Men's, 14 to 17:

1. Kelly Mahon-Unity Team.
2. Ty Page-Unity Team.
3. Stacy Peralta-Zephyr.
4. Tony Alva-Zephyr.

Men's, 9 t 13:

1. Mark Hess-Natique.
2. Mark Johnson-Skateboard Magazine.
3. Joey Calderon-Palavan Team.
4. Eddie Katz-Makaha/Logan Earth Ski.

Oceanside Professional Freestyle Contest, June 24th and 25th, 1978.

Men's Freestyle:

1. Doug Saladino.
2. Matt Barden.
3. Steve Cathey.
4. Steve Day.
5. Dan Ewell.

Women's Freestyle:

1. Ellen Berryman.
2. Robin Logan.
3. Julie Cheng.
4. Ellen Oneal.
5. Kathy Bowmeister.

360 Event:

1. Richie Carasco (47)
2. Dan Ewell (40)
3. Chris Larson (35)

Oceanside Nationals, Freestyle, July 21st and 22nd, 1979.

Sponsored Boys-11 to 13:

1. Rodney Mullen.
2. Squeaky Haynes.
3. Larry Barden.
4. Mike Smith.
5. Robb Rusk.

Sponsored Boys, 14 to 15:

1. James Barden.
2. Darren Durke.
3. Tony Shutts.
4. Brian Abell.
5. Philip Jetton.

Sponsored Men, 16 to 18:

1. Stuart singer.
2. Greg Macias.
3. Chris Hinds.
4. Kevin Harris.
5. Anthony Senna.
6. Paul Barrios.

Sponsored Men, over 18:

1. Mark Christensen.
2. Dennis Franklin.
3. Osmar Fossa.
4. Brian Martin.
5. Claud Roster.

Sponsored Girls, 11 to 13:

1. Laurie Gray.
2. Betty Steward.

Sponsored Girls, 14 to 15:

1. Amy Pike.
2. Carla Schacherl.

Sponsored Girls, 16 to 18:

1. Yvonne Cucci.
2. Jackie Jones.
3. Elly Meyers.
4. Suzette Owens.

Notable independent:

Anthony Rocco, 1st place, 11 to 13 independent boys.

Ask Florida Skaters about Jim McCall, Huck Andress and others including Rodney Mullen.

Other notable names in Freestyle were, Gregg Ayres, Curt Lindgren, Tim Scroggs and Mike Foster from New Mexico.


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